1.Suppose you were faced with the financial decision of whether or not to take out a student loan to enable you to work fewer hours while a student. Please indicate one opportunity cost, one behaviora

1.Suppose you were faced with the financial decision of whether or not to take out a student loan to enable you to work fewer hours while a student. Please indicate one opportunity cost, one behavioral cost, one flexibility cost and one emotional cost that would apply to this particular decision.

This article can be used to provide ideas and structure to your answer: https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2020/02/should-you-pay-off-your-mortgage-early-with-rates-so-low/

2 .Please list 3-5actionsthat you will take in the next 12 months to strengthen and enhance your comprehensive personal financial plan.Make sure to list steps or actions that you have NOT already taken and build on your comprehensive financial plan.


Please indicate two UNIQUE (cannot be shared by any of the other sources listed) features for each of the sources of retirement below:


2. Social Security

3. Individual IRA

4. Roth IRA

5. Annuity