Psychology homework help. Suggested time40 minutes.Read carefully the following poem by Marilyn Nelson Waniek. Then write an essay analyzing how Waniek employsliterary techniques to develop the complex meanings that the speaker attributes to The Century Quilt. You may wishto consider such elements as structure, imagery, and tone.The Century Quiltfor Sarah Mary Taylor, QuilterMy sister and I were in lovewith Meemas Indian blanket.We fell asleep under army greenissued to Daddy by Supply.5 When Meema came to live with usshe brought her medicines, her cane,and the blanket I found on my sisters bedthe last time I visited her.I remembered how Id planned to inherit10 that blanket, how we used to wrap ourselvesat play in its folds and be chieftainsand princesses.Now Ive found a quilt1Id like to die under;15 Six Van Dyke brown squares,two white ones, and one squarethe yellowbrown of Mamas cheeks.Each square holds a sweet gum leafwhose fingers I imagine20 would caress me into the silence.I think Id have good dreamsfor a hundred years under this quilt,as Meema must have, under her blanket,dreamed she was a girl again in Kentucky25 among her yellow sisters,their grandfathers white familynodding at them when they met.When their father came home from his storethey cranked up the pianola30 and all of the beautiful sistersgiggled and danced.She must have dreamed about Mamawhen the dancing was over:a lanky girl trailing after her father35 through his Oklahoma field.Perhaps under this quiltId dream of myself,of my childhood of miracles,of my fathers burnt umber pride,40 my mothers ochre gentleness.Within the dream of myselfperhaps Id meet my sonor my other child, as yet unconceived.Id call it The Century Quilt,45 after its pattern of leaves.Considering there is a suggested 40 minute time limit, the essay does not have to be super long or detailed, but PLEASE look over the rubric below to see how the essay will be evaluated. Rubric – 6 point totalThesis: Responds to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible interpretation of the poem. 1 pointEvidence AND Commentary: EVIDENCE – Provides specific evidence to support all claims in a line of reasoning. AND COMMENTARY – Consistently explains how the evidence supports a line of reasoning. AND Explains how multiple literary elements or techniques in the poem contribute to its meaning. 4 pointsSophistication: Demonstrates sophistication of thought and/or develops a complex literary argument. Responses that earn this point may demonstrate a sophistication of thought or develop a complex literary argument by doing any of the following: 1. Identifying and exploring complexities or tensions within the poem. 2. Illuminating the students interpretation by situating it within a broader context. 3. Accounting for alternative interpretations of the poem. 4. Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive. 1 point