Writing Homework Help

Ashworth College Corporate Security Program Services Analysis

Lesson 2: Corporate Security and Law Enforcement

Activity 2: Corporate Security Program Analysis

Select two (2) corporations or organizations that have large corporate security programs (healthcare organization, defense contractor, etc.) and discuss the following.  Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.  If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.  In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style.   

Part A       Comparison:  Compare the transactional, consultative, and oversight services utilized in each program.  ( 

Part B        Analysis:  Analyze how these services differ for each of the two (2) corporations in terms of their utility and effectiveness.  The following items should be mentioned in your analysis.   

1.   Goals:  Provide an evaluation of each corporation’s statement of work (SOW) or vision statement and briefly evaluate the goals to be accomplished by the asset protection program.   

2.   Key Considerations:  Provide a basic analysis of key considerations – people, physical assets and information – for each corporation.  An evaluation of methods (pros and cons) to protect these assets would be helpful.   

3.   Organization:  Discuss the organization of the security department.  To which department does the security team report (i.e., CEO, HR, etc)?   What are the pros and cons of various reporting schemes? 

4.   Concerns:  Evaluate past problems or security breaches and potential threats and methods to lessen exposure to such threats.  Include a variety of issues and discuss pros and cons of addressing such concerns.