Hudson County Community College Social Engineering Essay
I’m working on a cyber security writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
Below is a scenario that uses social engineering as a main technique in order to acquire information needed for sabotage to a well known company. In 3-4 detailed paragraphs write about the necessary steps (technical, nontechnical, or both) you would take as a social engineer to acquire this information. What principle would you use? How long do you think it would take? Is there a backup plan? Explain in your paper and be creative.
You are working for a company that has been eyeing 2 employees, a 26 year old female software engineer and a 35 year old male business analyst manager. Both are working on a traveling app that allows users to search for places and direct them according to specific filters applied in the app and your company believes they will be their new competitors since your company has already been working on a similar app. There are some aspects of the app, such as, local events and real time specials you believe have been taken away from the company and incorporated into the new app your competitors are making. Your task is to find out what features are these and what is the exact functionality of the app. What would you do?