Writing Homework Help

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Essay

Why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand present Austria with a survival threat?
Must Have 8 quotes from the following three books (NOT each, literally you can have like 6 from one book and 2 from the others):
use these 3 texts:
-fromkin, david. europe’s last summer: who started the great war in 1914? vintagebooks. 2005.
-andrade, tonio. the gunpowder age: china, military innovation, and the rise of the westin world history. princeton university press. 2016.
-kindsvatter, peter s. american soldiers: ground combat in the world wars, korea, and vietnam. university press of kansas. 2003. -double spacing
-please use 12pt times new roman.
-no extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.
-include a bibliography page at the end of your paper (works cited page after the 7 pages) also already provided above all 3 works.
-include in-text citations throughout the paper -mla format -please do not use outside sources