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Neuroanatomy Physiology Worksheet Questions

1. Describe each step of the process of sound transmission using the word(s) provided for each.

  1. (ear canal)
  2. (tympanic membrane)
  3. (ossicles)
  4. (oval window)
  5. (cochlea, scala vestibuli, scala tympani, helicotrema)
  6. (basilar membrane, hair cells)
  7. (tectorial membrane, stereocilia, K+ channels)
  8. (Ca2+ channels, neurotransmitters)
  9. (spiral ganglion axons)

Specifications for credit:

  • Lists 9 discrete steps in the process of sound transmission in the order that they occur
  • Includes the provided words/phrases for each step

2. Describe tonotopic representation in the cochlea and in the primary auditory cortex.

Specifications for credit:

  • Describes how tonotopic representation is demonstrated in the cochlea
  • Describes how tonotopic representation is demonstrated in primary auditory cortex

Explain how the semicircular canals transduce angular and rotational motion in all three spatial dimensions. Provide a real-world example that entails balance and/or motion appreciation and describe the possible involvement of the semicircular canals in this process.

Specifications for credit:

  • Names each of the three semicircular canals and what kind of movement each one is sensitive to
  • Explain how transduction occurs in semicircular canals
  • Describes a real-world scenario involving balance or motion
  • Describes the possible involvement of specific semicircular canals in the movement descried in the scenario