Walden University Developing a Culture of Evidence Based Practice Discussion Response
It is well known that evidence-based practice (EBP) improves healthcare quality, safety, and patient outcomes as well as fosters clinicians’ active engagement in their practices. Nurses who use an evidence-based approach to care and practice in cultures that support EBP are more empowered as they are able to make a difference in the care of their patients (Melnyk, et al 2017). As a practicing nurse that finds it difficult to keep up with constant policy changes, I feel like the delivery of new information is vital for the compliance of staff. I believe nurses are more inclined to support and change their practice when information is presented properly. For those nurses who are involved in organizations such as American Nurses Association, writing a peer-reviewed journal would be an effective way to delivery new information. Unfortunately, this isn’t the best dissemination strategy, in my opinion. Not all nurses stay current by reading the latest peer reviewed articles related to their specialty. Peer-reviewed journals would be the last format of implementation as it is hard to reach all nurses through this venue.
It’s difficult to pin point one strategy that would be successful for everyone. In the study on organizational change strategies Newhouse found: there is not one strategy that is always successful, the team planned multiple strategies for training and education. Our goal to develop EBP skills and competencies required that we develop a training and education plan, using several approaches to meet the needs of the nurses and organization through multi-method education, demonstration, mentorship, and fellowship (Newhouse, et al. 2007). This is very insightful, not everyone has the same learning style, therefore using multiple strategies would be a better approach. Two dissemination strategies I would consider effective for implementing a new would be: an organization-wide poster presentation and / or interactive computer module.
The choice of dissemination methods depends on the targeted audience. Healthcare audience is mostly interested on how specific evidence fit into a specific context and the implications of adopting the changes on various aspects, such as policy, quality of care, staffing and funding among other aspects (Joseph, 2019). Providing staff with an in-service with poster would be very effective in presenting a new policy because it is a more personal approach. The poster can serve as a reference of data that they can refer to in the future. While all staff adjusts to the changes, the poster will also be a reminder to everyone to continue to enforce the new practice. While disseminating the EBP to the hospital board the most appropriate method to apply would be face to face. The approach facilitates interaction and instant feedback especially during questioning sessions (Joseph, 2019). Having the ability to provide information and immediately respond to questions will allow for a more seamless transition. The more information that is provided the better response the learners will have. One barrier to this form of dissemination is that it can be information overload for some if there is too much data. For this making a handout with a condensed amount of information would be beneficial.
My second strategy for dissemination would be a computer based Elearn module. This can be interactive and deliver information that learners can take their time to read. This module can also have a post-test that can assess the effectiveness of what they learned. Testing on key points and data can make the information to be better absorbed and improve retention of the information. EBP team learned that it’s critical to have an organizational culture that supports EBP (such as evidence-based decision making integrated into performance expectations, up-to-date resources and tools, ongoing EBP knowledge and skills-building workshops, and EBP mentors at the point of care) in order for clinicians to consistently deliver evidence-based care (Melnky, 2012). Implementing too many computer-based modules for mandatory ongoing training to keep staff up to date on EBP can indeed become a barrier. The staff can become desensitize to new information. If there is constantly new data being introduced, these learning modules might not be effective. This barrier can be difficult to overcome but making the module interesting, with graphics that delivers essential information can be one way to avoid this fatigue from occurring. Minimizing excessive information that isn’t necessary can also be beneficial. Focusing on the facts and how patient outcomes will improve can be very straightforward and effective.
Joseph M. (2019). Dissemination of evidence base practice project results in nursing; The Nursing Ace Retrieved from : https://thenursingace.com/dissemination-of-evidenc…
Melnyk, B. (2012). Achieving a High-Reliability Organization Through Implementation of the ARCC Model for Systemwide Sustainability of Evidence-Based Practice. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 36 (2), 127-135. doi: 10.1097/NAQ.0b013e318249fb6a.
Melnyk, B. , Fineout-Overholt, E. , Gallagher-Ford, L. , Stillwell, S. & (2011). Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Sustaining Evidence-Based Practice Through Organizational Policies and an Innovative Model. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 111 (9), 57-60. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000405063.97774.0e.
Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Giggleman, M., & Choy, K. (2017). A Test of the ARCC© Model Improves Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice, Healthcare Culture, and Patient Outcomes. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(1), 5–9. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1111/wvn…
Newhouse, R. , Dearholt, S. , Poe, S. , Pugh, L. , White, K. & (2007). Organizational Change Strategies for Evidence-Based Practice. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 37 (12), 552-557. doi: 10.1097/01.NNA.0000302384.91366.8f.