Humanities Homework Help

BDS Art the Rock Garden of Zen Buddhism and Ryoanji Analysis

I need an explanation for this Art question to help me study.


  1. Demonstrate the ability to      accurately identify significant artists, artworks, characteristics and      qualities of various representative types of visual art in the world.
    1. Choose a well known       artist from the Italian Renaissance.
    2. List the titles and dates       of the artist’s well known masterpieces. 
    3. List 3 visual       characteristics in the artwork that are characteristic of that historical       period of art. Please note: do not address subject matter in       your response. Please only discuss visual elements and/or design       principles.


  1. Demonstrate the ability to      discuss and formally analyze various examples of visual art.
    1. Choose a       nonrepresentational work of art from Artforms.
    2. Analyze it       formally:


    • Name 1 visual        element that is dominant and contributes to the strength of the work and        describe the unique and masterful ways the artist controlled the        element.
    • Name 1 design        principle that is dominant and contributes to the strength of the work        and explain how the artist used the principle to create a composition.


  1. Demonstrate the ability to      synthesize ideas and critically evaluate various examples of visual art in      the context of and with respect for the diverse nature of human      experience.
    1. Choose a work of art       from Artforms that has a       ritual, social, or public function (Ch. 2)
    2. Describe       and explain how visual elements and/or design principles help the work to       achieve its function.

this is a link that has nonrepresentational artworks.…