Central Virginia Community College In Vitro Toxicity & Fluctuation Tests Questions
don’t need reference for this work. in this assignment under one document i require 2 separate practical reports one is In Vitro Toxicity Tests – Cell viability tests i need 2 pages for im going to attach practical sheet and results, for the second report FLUCTUATION TESTING (simulated results and analysis) i want 1 page making it 3 pages in total. Again i’m going to attach instruction sheet. answer all the question and don’t forget to write introduction for both reports.
Hey writer where are the questions to the fluctuation test analysis results that consisted of 8 questions
1. Why is it important to have a low number of bacteria in the inoculum?
2.Why is any rifampicin added to the media?
3. What are the advantages of this testing over the conventional Ames test?
4. Will only true revertants give positives?
5.How could you tell if a compound was toxic but not mutagenic?
6. Why are the negative tubes the only ones which can be used to calculate the mutation rate?
7. What are the limitations inherent in this type of mutagenicity testing?
8. Suggest other methods (not based on changes in phenotype) for assessing the mutagenicity of novel compounds