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Grand Canyon University Literature Review and Critique & Nursing Care Discussion

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Literature review and critique has become relevant to the practices of the APRN and the nursing in general since the passage of Affordable car act and the Medicare expansion program. Delivering quality nursing care that is holistic efficient, meaningful isn’t static, and so are the models and strategies that are capable of bridging the gap between science and practice. As a result, the nursing leaders and the IOM intended to have 90% of nursing practice based on evidence or science by 2020. Even though 2020 has come and gone, the reminisce of the goal ranges on, especially in the nursing education front. Consequently, education branch of nursing and their research department continue to embark on an EBP scholar programs to teach, mentor or both from the baccalaureate level. (Kowalski, 2017). Various faculties and health organizations have fully engaged their nursing students and staff/members into taking evidence- based projects. School curriculum includes taking active role in the legislative branch of the local, states and federal level to boost the awareness and rally support.