Writing Homework Help

Virginia University Alcoholism and Addiction True and False Questions

I’m working on a humanities question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

True/False/Uncertain. Please indicate whether SEVEN of the following EIGHTquestions are true, false, or uncertain, and explain your answers.Only the first seven answers will be graded. No credit will be given without an explanation.

1. Alcoholics and drug addicts are protected under the ADA.

2. According to the universalmodel, people with disabilities make up a distinct minority group with a history of discrimination.

3. Social desirability bias can affect the results of surveys of people with disabilities.

4. People who take “mitigating measures” that effectively compensate for an underlying impairment are stillprotected under the ADA.

5. The questions used to identify people by the U.S. Census result in an undercount of the number of people with disabilities.

6. Early reformers in the U.S. argued that large institutions, such as boarding schools for people with developmental disabilities or mental illness, would lead to better treatment and educational and vocational opportunities for people with disabilities.

7. The low employment rate among adults with disabilities is due to a high “reservation wage” rather than a low “market wage”.

8. The lower voter turnout among people with disabilities reflects a lower interest in political issues.