NUR 3825 LSSC End of Program Student Learning Outcome Verbatim Reflection
The Guided Reflection asks students to consider three things: 1) What the EOPSLOs selected mean to their nursing practice as it develops through the baccalaureate education process; 2) to identify competencies and skills they will need to achieve the EOPSLOs selected; and, 3) to discuss specific graded assignments or discussions in the course that helped them to move forward in developing the identified competencies associated with the selected EOPSLOs. Please use the Guided Reflection Example and Competencies Table (above) as a guide for writing the Guided Reflection. (Note: The example is from the NUR 3825 Professional Role Transition course, so you will need to adapt the content for all courses other than NUR 3825.)
“Clinical Microsystem Assessments”