Health Medical Homework Help

Capella University Effective Communication in a Healthcare Facility Discussion

Directions-full instructions attached

Ms. Anand would like you to submit your 800- to 1000-word training proposal on the responsibilities that front-office staff have when interacting with patients, outside contractors, and vendors to her for review before sending it to the Human Resources department. She has provided the following guidance, highlighting specific points that have to be covered:

Patient Information

  • Explain the importance of protecting patient health information. You must address the following topics in your response:
    • The impact HIPAA has on protecting patient health information
    • How to protect patient health information in various physical forms (e.g., paper, computer screens, email, copiers)

Communication Methods

  • Describe methods for effective communication that can be used by front-office staff. You must address the following topics in your response:
    • Appropriate use of technology (e.g., social media, email, phone)
    • How effective communication can impact completion of patient information forms
    • The requirements for providing translation and translated documents within a healthcare facility

Third Party

  • Vendor interactions: You must address the following topics in your response:
    • Effective ways to build relationships
    • Obtaining appropriate information needed to meet the needs of the healthcare facility
  • Outside contractors: You must address the following topics in your response:
    • How this relationship may differ from one with a vendor
    • Necessary paperwork, policies, or procedures needed to enter into a contract
