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PUB 540 GCU Epidemiological Design Cross Sectional & Case Control Designs Discussion

1)Describe the common characteristics and design of a case-control study. Discuss the three important features when it comes to selecting cases and controls and identify a situation when one of these might be violated. Discuss the limitations of using questionnaires for determining exposure status and provide examples of alternative strategies for collecting this information in a case-control study.

2)Case-control studies are good when studying rare diseases or diseases that have a long latency period between exposure and disease development, can be less costly and less time-consuming, and are useful when exposure data is expensive or hard to obtain (Lamorte, 2017).

3)What are some examples of rare diseases that would be a good fit for this study design and why?

4)Why is matching in a case-control study important? Please justify your rationale.

5)Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of cross-sectional studies and examples of how they can be “descriptive” or “analytic” study designs. Discuss an example of a disease where survival could influence the association between a possible exposure and the disease when measured with a cross-sectional study. Do not discuss examples used in the textbook.

6)I have conducted cross-sectional studies and I like this study design because the data that is collected not only provides a snapshot of the population at a current place in time but also allows for affordable examination of participants in their natural environment, outside of interventions. However, can results of these studies be extrapolated and applied to the general population? Why or why not?