Writing Homework Help

University of Oxford Six Subscales Interview Questions

For this week’s assignment, you will need to use your book entitled Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale, 3rd Edition, also known as ECERS-3. This is the booklet used by centers to develop optimal programs and is used by Licensing Personnel when evaluating a center for a Star Rating. It is imperative that you are very familiar with this book if you are working in a center or classroom serving preschoolers.

Before completing this assignment, you are to reflect on your readings from chapter 4 regarding types of interview questions, starting on page 58. You will also need to complete your reading on pages 1-13 of the ECERS-3. On page 13, you will see a list of the 6 subscales (Space and Furnishings, Personal Care Routines, Language and Literacy, Learning Activities, Interaction, and Program Structure).

For this assignment, you are to write 1 open-ended interview question from each of the 6 subscales. An open ended question is a question that can not be answered in one word, such as yes or no. For example, for Question 1 from Space and Furnishings, your questions could be

Tell me how you would design a space for privacy.

After writing your questions, write what kind of answer you want to receive from the interview candidate, such as

I would have an indoor space for privacy that is accessible and physically set up in the classroom to discourage interruptions, such as a writing table with 1 or 2 chairs. I would be sure to protect the space and intervene if there is a problem. I will suggest that children move to that space when they want to be alone.

Remember, you will need to have 6 questions, and 6 complete answers.