Business Finance Homework Help

BUSI 2001 Walden University Payment Terms in Commercial Contracts Questions

Assignment: Types of Business Law: Part 2

you are playing the role of a junior legal
assistant for the legal department of XYZ Corporation. The organization
has recently undertaken a number of efforts to increase its presence in
the local community and is promoting corporate social responsibility
and positive social change initiatives.

Kate Braverman, XYZ CorporationTo
support these positive social change initiatives and efforts at
ensuring compliance among XYZ Corporation’s employees, Kate Braverman,
Chief Counsel of the Legal Department, leads the company-wide Business
Law and Compliance Fair to showcase some upcoming policy changes and
hold Q&A sessions for all staff members.

you have been asked to assist with the Q&A, this week, you will
continue your work of gathering information to present to staff members.
This week, you will focus on contracts.

Part 2: Contract Research Report

Sue is a graphic designer at XYZ Corporation, and she also runs her own business as a photographer. She says:

“Sorry, this is more
personal, but I hope you can give me some advice. I just entered a
contract to photograph the full line of a pottery company, a job that
will involve nearly 1,000 photographs. The contract promises excellent
pay, with a specific dollar amount stated in the contract, but
unfortunately, I neglected to include any payment terms. Can you help
investigate this for me?”

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the Learning Resources.
  • Review the Contract Research Report scenario involving Sue and her
    photography business, which will serve as the basis for your Assignment
    this week.
  • Refer to the Academic Writing Expectations for 2000/3000-Level Courses as you compose your Assignment.

Submit a Contract Research Report that addresses the following prompt.

  • Kate approves the request and asks you to help Sue. You will need to
    research the dangers that Sue might face by not spelling out the terms
    of payment within her contract. Provide her with a research report on
    these dangers and recommendations for how to correct this situation, if
    it is possible. (225–300 words, 3–4 paragraphs)