CSU Greatest Southwest Railroad Strike & Pullman Strike Bibliography
The topics for this paper will be to compare and contrast between two famous labor strikes that have taken place in the United States. The paper should be a minimum of 8 pages and be primarily in your own words. Any quotes must be properly cited. Turnitin will be used to review for plagiarism. Plagairism and/or excessive use of other’s material will be severely punished. e. Choose two labor strikes (or lockouts) from the 3 following links; List if Strikes., Ten Famous Strikes, and Sports strikes. If you know of others that are not on the list, you must provide information to me to outline the event prior to approval of the topic.
Compare and contrast the situation that caused the strikes by answering the following questions:
1. What is the difference between the two strikes that you chose?
2. How does the management treatment of employees or labor in one strike different from the other?
3. What are the commonalities of the two strikes that you chose?
4. What are the significant differences that set the two apart?
5. What was the cause of the strikes?
6. What could management have done differently to avoid the strikes if possible?
7. What was the outcome of the strikes?
8. Whom would you consider to be the winner; management, labor, or both?