Humanities Homework Help

GC Homeotic Genes Presentation… I need to get this presentation done within one hour.

I need to select one of those topics

Section 2 Presentation Topics:

1 Meiosis & Mitosis
2 Human Sexuality Varies from culture to culture

3 Venereal Diseases: Inc. all in Lecture Notes
4 Birth Control: effectiveness, history, etc.

5 Watson & Crick – DNA molecule

6 Chromosomes

7 Karyotype

8 the 23rdChromosome

9 the 23 rd “Pair” abnormalities (xyy, xxx, etc)

10 Monozygotic Twins vs Dizygotic Twins

11 Dominant genes / Recessive genes

12 Polygenetic traits & Complimentary Genes

13 Genotype / Phenotype

14 Mendle’s Peas: No Blending / Independent Assortment & the
implications non-blending had re the mechanisms of evolution.

15 Regulatory Genes

16 Lactose Intolerance – World distribution and origin of the ability to process lactose

17 Homeotic (Hox) Genes

18 Micro Evolution / Macro Evolution – provide several examples of each


20 Hardy-Weinberg Law, Steno’s Law & Allen’s Rule

21 Natural Selection& Survival of the Fittest concentrate on the definition and how they are opposite
sides of the same coin and depend on over-reproduction and viability



24 Mutation & New Alleles

25 The English Peppered Moth – significance

26 Genetic Drift

27 The Founder Effect – give examples such as Pitcairn Island,
Polynesian Islands & “The New World”

28 The effects of Aging after physical prime – include skeleton, muscles, feet, joints, balance, skin, etc.

29 Generational Environmental Adaptation (Hot/Cold, Elevation, Sunlight)

30 Nutrition: Effects on the human body in the context of human evolution and different cultures

31 Skeletal Adaptation to activity – particularly the changes that occurred during the switch from
hunter-gatherer to the Domestication of crops and animals.