Ashford University Physician Query Case Study
Querying providers is a common practice that is used by coders to ensure they are coding to the highest level of specificity. It promotes a high level of accuracy in coding and documentation, as well as improving compliance initiatives so that the organization follows the regulations set forth to report vital coding data correctly. In this written assignment that expands on the Physician Query learning activity, you will be focusing your attention on this essential process that is used throughout the industry.
For both an inpatient and outpatient facility,
- Describe the purpose of a physician query.
- Discuss which queries are necessary.
- Explain when information from a prior encounter should be considered.
- Recommend two query policies (one for inpatient and one for outpatient).
- Provide at least two examples of compliant queries (one for inpatient and one for outpatient) which support your policies.
The Query Process Case Study paper