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CUR 535 UOPX Wk 7 Improved Practice Research Proposal

CUR/535: Research for Improved Practice

Wk 7 – Signature Assignment: Action Research Proposal: Section Four [due Mon]

Assignment Content

Complete Section Four: Outcomes and Evaluation of your Action Research Proposal.

  1. Write a minimum 3–4-page paper that includes the following information:
  1. Expected outcomes
  • For each action goal you presented in Section Three, provide specific outcomes you hope to see if you were to implement this action research project.

The primary action goal identified for this study is to increase the active engagement of 7th-grade math students in online classes by up to 90% from the current 40%, through the implementation of a communication plan.

The first specific action goal is to increase communication between the teacher and the students.

The second specific goal is to increase communication between the teacher and parents.

  • Each goal may have several outcomes; therefore, number each outcome and present it in list form.
  • The outcomes should be stated in observable, measurable terms (example: The researcher anticipates that the intervention will result in 50% of the participants having increased reading scores).
  • The outcomes should relate specifically to the documentation you provide.
  1. Measurement of outcomes (Discuss data collection methods such as observations, interviews, grades, test scores, etc.).
  • Describe how you plan to measure each projected outcome.
  • Be specific about particular instruments and methods you would use.
  • This information is intended to aid another researcher interested in replicating your study.
  • Where possible, include copies of tests, questionnaires, or other instruments in an Appendix.
  1. Analysis of results
  • Describe how you plan to analyze your results. Will you use bar graphs, pie charts, etc.? Will you use coding to look for patterns or themes that may emerge? Will you conduct an interim data analysis?
  • Explain how you would determine if your solution strategy was effective.
  • Explain how you would present your report of findings and to whom you would present them.
  1. References
  • List all sources you used to complete and support your action research proposal, particularly those used for the literature review. You should have at minimum the 7 sources from your literature review that were listed on the ARP Section Two reference page.
  • Ensure your sources are cited according to APA guidelines throughout the paper. Be sure to format the reference page, per APA format.


  • Reminders: Use APA format. Always include a title page, an introduction, and a conclusion.