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Lesson 2 Writing Assignment: Asking a Good Question

Asking a good question is the first step towards gaining knowledge. In psychology (and in any other scientific disciplines), a good question generally meets these criteria:

1. It can be studied scientifically

  • A bad example: Does God exist? (This is bad because God is invisible and incorporeal. There is no way to measure the existence in a scientific way.)
  • A good example: Does family income impact children’s school performance?

2. It is within a proper scope, that is, it can be answered via a single study or one set of related studies

  • A bad example (too broad): How do humans learn language? (Humans learn langauge in both formal and informal ways and we would be unable to control how this happens.)
  • A good example (narrowed down): At what age can infants recognize words?

3. Once answered, it can contribute to our knowledge of psychology

  • A bad example: How did Hillary Clinton feel when she didn’t win the election? (This isn’t a meaningful question that will lead to answers for the general population i.e., most people don’t feel great when they lose.)
  • A good example: Which type of clinical treatment is best for treating depression?

For this assignment, you are given the opportunity to think about how you might gain knowledge about a psychological question that is of interest to you.

Specifically, for this assignment you should:

  1. Specify a psychological question that meets the 3 criteria (above) for a good question;
  2. Describe how you would conduct a research study to answer this question. Specifically, indicate what kind of study would you use (an experimental study or one of the nonexperimental methods such as naturalistic observation, case study, or correlational study) and why you would use it (i.e., make sure you refer to what you learned in the chapter about the kinds of questions you can answer with each type); and,
  3. Provide a rationale for why you think your question is an important question to answer (i.e., how is it a meaningful question that will lead to answers for the general population).

Your paper should be a Word document (.doc or .docx), at least 200-250 words, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, with 12-point Times New Roman font. All of the information you include should be paraphrased with NO direct quotes. You must include appropriate in-text citations in APA style and then include an APA-style Reference(s) list on a separate page at the end (citations and references do not count toward the word count). Make sure your writing is clear and well-organized.