Writing Homework Help

ENGL 1190 Macomb Community College Inequalities Online Learning Articles Review

For this assignment, you are going to summarize and respond to the article “Virtual Classrooms Can Be as Unequal as Real Ones” (Links to an external site.) https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/201…

Please make sure to follow the rubric thank you .

from The Atlantic. In the first paragraph, provide a brief introduction to the issue and a well-constructed summary of the article.  After your summary (which shouldn’t be more than a paragraph), you’ll write a thorough, multi-paragraph response to the article that focuses on the author’s thesis and supporting details. You can agree, disagree, or meet the author somewhere in the middle, but you must explain your ideas about the article and the topic in full. Make sure to read/view the Week One materials before completing this assignment. See the rubric below for how your work will be evaluated.

Summary: Your summary should include all the elements of academic summaries outlined in the Week One materials (How to Write a Summary and “Writing Summaries” (Links to an external site.)), including the author’s name and the article title, an objective rendering of the author’s thesis and main ideas, and signal phrases throughout to give the author credit for his/her ideas (“Waddell writes,” “Waddell argues,” etc.). Be sure to introduce the author’s full name and the title of the article very early in the introduction paragraph (optimally, in the first few sentences). 

Response: Your response can include an analysis of the author’s purpose, the intended audience, the style and tone of the text, the organization and presentation of ideas, and the assumptions/values being presented. Also, you can reflect on the effectiveness of the thesis, the ideas with which you agree and/or disagree, and the article’s meanings and/or implications. Feel free to include your own observations or prior knowledge about the topic.

IMPORTANT: This assignment should be a minimum of two paragraphs long.** The introduction paragraph should be a summary of the article. The following paragraphs should be devoted to your response. Be sure to use signal phrases throughout. You can also use properly cited paraphrases and/or direct quotations from the article, if necessary. Remember, however, that this assignment asks you to summarize a text, so the objective of the first paragraph is to put the main points of the article in your own words and phrasing. Avoid directly quoting sentences from the article in the summary paragraph, but you may quote terms or short phrases if it is crucial to your summary that these exact words be used. 

**The most successful summary paragraphs focus only on the main points of the source. Don’t let the summary paragraph get bogged down in the details or include your own opinion. Save your assessment/opinion/analysis until the response paragraphs.