ACPHS Professional Ethics Case Study
Essay 3 Topic: How do the arguments you made about professional ethical responsibility (essay 1) and ethical theory (essay 2) apply to a profession-specific case study
4-6 pages (reference page is separate must be APA Formatting, Times New Roman, Double spaced and 12 front)
Section 2: Present your interpretation of what you think the profession would consider the ethical action, making explicit reference to the arguments you made in essay 1 (related to expertise, interpretation, and your code of ethics);
Section 3: Apply the ethical theory you explained and argued for in essay 2 to the case study, and determine what the theory would conclude is the ethical outcome or action (importantly, while you don’t need to re-explain the theory, you need to SHOW the reasoning consistent with the theory and support your conclusion);
Section 4: Offer your own thoughts on the above two conclusions – do they both lead to the same outcome? If not, explain. Would you act according to those conclusions? Why or why not? Consider issues related to an agency in bureaucracies, integrity, or whistleblowing