HS 3440 Nova Southeastern University Week 2 Competency Analysis Questions
This assignment has four parts related to understanding the Roles, Responsibilities, Competencies, and Sub-Competencies of a Health Educator.
Part 1) Read pages 6 and 7 of the 7th Edition of The Companion Guide for Professional Excellence (To make sure we are literally on the same page, Pages 6 and 7 are the Introduction and How to Use this Book pages).
Part 2) Complete the Perceived Competence self-assessment on pages 8-17 of The Companion Guide for Professional Excellence.
PerceivedCompetenceAssessment_HealthEdSpecialist7thEdition.pdf download
- Answer honestly! Not doing so will only hurt you in this course and in your professional development.
- Pay close attention to the key at the bottom of each page and ONLY SCORE THE ENTRY-LEVEL Sub-Competencies. The Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Sub-Competencies do not pertain to you at this point in your professional development. Choosing to disregard this key and scoring all the Sub-Competencies will result in an automatic 15 point deduction from your assignment grade.
Part 3) Count your responses at each level (1, 2, 3, and 4) for the Entry-Level Sub-Competencies.
Part 4) Write a two page single-spaced paper reflecting your perspective on your Perceived Competence inventory responses. Use the following questions to guide your reflection. Use each question as a heading to differentiate your responses and make sure you answer all the questions. For the first two questions, you may write one sentence responding to each question.
- How many Sub-Competencies did you score a 4 (Very Competent)?
- How many Sub-Competencies did you score a 1 (Not Competent)?
- In your opinion, which are your strongest three Sub-Competencies? Why?
- In your opinion, which are your weakest three Sub-Competencies? Why?
- As you review your responses, what are three Sub-Competencies in which you would most like to improve in the next year?
- What was the most/least informative thing you learned in this Assignment?