Humanities Homework Help

SDSU Psychology Monthly Income Discussion


To REFINE your research project measures based on the survey research textbook chapter.


Please read through this entire section before you start this assignment

  • Review the feedback the instructor provided in your “writing measures assignment’
  • COPY AND PASTE your original measures directly into the text box of this assignment (not a word document, pdf, or google doc)
  • Now you are ready to edit your measures
  • Based on my feedback AND the textbook chapter, use the BRUSO criteria included in the table below to refine your measures. You must turn in an edited version of your original measures in order to receive credit for the assignment (if you turn in the same thing you will not get credit)
    Criterion Poor Effective
    B—Brief “Are you now or have you ever been the possessor of a firearm?” “Have you ever owned a gun?”
    R—Relevant “What is your sexual orientation?” Do not include this item unless it is clearly relevant to the research.
    U—Unambiguous “Are you a gun person?” “Do you currently own a gun?”
    S—Specific “How much have you read about the new gun control measure and sales tax?” “How much have you read about the new sales tax?”
    O—Objective “How much do you support the new gun control measure?” “What is your view of the new gun control measure?”
  • When making edits:

    • HIGHLIGHT any new edits
      • NOTE: you must make edits to receive credit. There is always room for improvement- including adding.items, deleting items, or changing items entirely.
    • Use the STRIKETHROUGH function (you can find this under the format menu) for anything you want to delete. Your deletions should look like this
      • If you do not use the highlight and strikethrough functions I cannot see what you edited. I do not have time to go back to your original assignment and compare and contrast your measures. Therefore, if you do not use the highlight and strikethrough functions when making edits, you will not receive credit. I do not want this to come across as mean or rude. Please keep in mind that I have to grade 45 of these assignments and when you do not follow the instructions, it takes even more time on my end, on top of grading and teaching my other classes etc.

Tips for refining measures:

  • Review your current measures and ask yourself “how does this item help answer my research question.” If you do not know how the item helps answer your research question, delete it!
  • When using a scale of measurement from an existing research paper, include the citation of that paper in your submission.
    • You must include at least 5 questions, but can have up to 15 questions.
    • Make sure your measures are capturing both of your variables of interest
      • For example, if you are in group 1, you would need to have some questions about social media use and some questions about academic engagement.
      • All questions must be multiple choice or select all that apply (no fill-in answers please).
  • Make sure to review the list of questions below that will automatically be included in the survey as you cannot submit these questions for credit.

Tips for writing/finding scales of measurement:

  • It is always best to use a valid and reliable scale when available instead creating your own measures
    • Scales in research papers report their reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha. Anything over .70 is generally a reliable scale of measurement
  • A good place to start to find valid/reliable measures related to your research question is to review the papers you used in your annotated bibliography
  • The methods section of a research paper will tell you the scales/questions used to assess key constructs of interest. Sometimes they are typed directly in the methods section or they may be in a table in the results section or even in the appendix of the paper (at the end).

As a reminder, the following variables will be included in the survey. Please do not include these (or similar questions) in your responses:

Please use the same format below when submitting your answers. Similar items/scales should be grouped together (for example, all items in an anxiety scale should be asked at the same time). If you include likert-scale items, please include the corresponding answer choices.

  1. What is your current age?
  • 18-24
  • 25-29
  • 30-34
  • 35 or over
  1. What is your race?
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Multiracial/more than one race

3. To which gender do you most identify?

4. Do you consider yourself Hispanic/Latina/o/x?

  • Yes
  • No

5. What is your relationship status?

  • Single
  • Married
  • In a relationship
  • In an open relationship (in a committed relationship with another person but not monogamous)
  • Dating/Hooking up with more than one person
  • Prefer not to say

6. What is your sexual orientation?

  • Homosexual
  • Heterosexual
  • Bisexual
  • Asexual
  • Prefer not to say

7. What is your current GPA?


8. Please indicate the number of units you have taken

  • 0-12
  • 13-24
  • 25-36
  • 37-48
  • 49 or more

9. What type of courses are you currently taking (check all that apply)?

  • In-person
  • Online with an assigned meeting time and required Zoom class
  • Fully online (no required Zoom class)