Writing Homework Help

COM 340 Post Social Media Campaigns Across Platforms Writing Question

I’m studying for my Writing class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Refer back to the original information you turned in for part 1 of the project. Incorporate that information to complete part 2. Present your social media campaign based on the social media platform(s) you submitted in part 1.

In your presentation be sure to include the following information:

  • Revisit the social media platform(s) and information named in part 1 of the project. Provide solid reasons for each platform and what social media strategies you would use for each choice.
  • What user platform(s) will your social media content be presented through (i.e. web-based vs. mobile)? Why?
  • Name the strategies implemented to establish a social voice?
  • Incorporate one (1) or more mobile tools into your campaign.
  • Include best practices gleaned from successful social media campaigns.