Florida International University Give It Away Customer Focus Discussion
First, watch the video, “Steve Jobs Commencement Speech (Links to an external site.).” (14:33 mins)
Then, watch the video, “Tim Ferris Interview (Links to an external site.).” (54:00 mins)
Then, consider the following:
“Should you really give it away to get a customer?”
When preparing your response, support your view with facts from the two videos. The first person to respond will pick a side to support. The next person to respond will constructively disagree with the first person to post. Each person thereafter will disagree with the previous person who posted. Try not to repeat ideas already stated. Therefore, you may want to access resources outside of the class materials to support your position.
- JoshuaG (Mar 6, 2006). Steve Jobs Standford Commencement Speech 2005. Retrieved from
- Loic Le Meur (Mar 31, 2009). How to start a business by Tim Ferriss
- Previous person who posted:
After carefully watching the videos provided and my classmate’s responses I can say it is not a good idea to give it away to get a customer. Although it is essential to get clientele when starting a business, it is also important to let everyone know the business way of running a business. People will tend to make the business more serious if they see from the start the business is being strict with how they run the business. The value of the product would not be the same if you start off by giving it away. As the business grows customers and becomes more set it’ll be those products that can make the business bigger. If you give away a product you will create temporary customers that will not come back if the products are not being given away. After watching the Steve Jobs Commencement Speech, he states that “your work is gonna fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” This quote is the perfect answer on why not to give away just for a product. Eventually, the business being created is made from the start because you are following your heart. By giving it away we are not respecting what we originally stood for. Tim Ferriss also suggests the importance of letting your business run just the way you decided to start it based off.