COP 1334 Miami Dade College Visual Studio Debug Console Project
In this assignment you will create a program to process the attached file (dataStudents.txt) to calculate the grades for a course.
- Each line of the file has the following format: Name Test1 Test2 Test3
- The exams are to be weighted 25% for the first exam, 35% for the second exam, and 40% for the third exam.
- Based on that, compute a final score and a final grade. Grade is to be assigned as:A if the total is at least 90, B if it is at last 80, C if it is at least 70, D if it is at least 60, and F otherwise.
- Your program should output the results to the console and to an output file named outputStudents.txt (See SAMPLE output )
- Your Output must look like the sample output provided.
- Submit Asg1YourName.cpp.
This project is an individual project. Everyone should submit their own work. If I determine that two or more students have collaborated, then those students will all fail the course immediately, regardless of who copied from whom.
Formmatting tips:
to get spacing: you can use tabs and/or setw ( n ), where n= desired width.
to get two decimal places: use fixed << setprecision(2)