NUR 2180 Rasmussen University Mod 8 Health History Discussion
Documentation of Respiratory Assessment
Reason for Visit:
Health History
- Do you have any cough?
- Do you have any shortness of breath?
- Do you experience any chest pain with breathing?
- Do you have any history of lung diseases?
- Do you or have you ever smoked cigarettes?
- When did you start?
- How many per day?
- Have you tried to quit?
- Do you have any living or work conditions that affect your breathing?
- When was your last TB skin test and flu vaccine?
Physical Assessment
- Inspection
- Inspect thoracic cage for symmetry and deformities
- Inspect respiratory rate and pattern
- Inspect skin and nails (any clubbing?)
- Inspect position and facial expression.
- Assess level of consciousness.
- Palpation
- Confirm symtetric chest expansion.
- Palpate for tactile fremitus.
- Palpate skin temp and moisture.
- Palpate for any lumps masses or tenderness in the thorax area.
- Percussion
- Percuss over lung fields and note any differences.
- Auscultation
- Anterior lung sounds (at least 8 places)
- Posterior lung sounds (at least 8 places)
- Axillary (two on each side)
- Bronchophony/egophony
- Note any adventitious lung sounds.
Regional Write-up
- Subjective
- Objective
- Assessment of risks and plan (at least two risks)