Health Medical Homework Help

Norfolk State University Comprehensive Health Planning Case Study


  • Review the Case Study: Health Policy, see attached.
  • Use critical thinking and metacognition to analyze and answer the following questions:
    • What is Genomics?
    • Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the chemical compound that directs the activities of nearly all living organisms. DNA molecules are made of two twisting, paired strands, or a double helix. What is an organism’s complete set of DNA called?
    • 23andMe is a personal genomics and biotechnology company founded in 2006 that provides direct-to-consumer genetic testing using a saliva sample. Why is it important to safeguard patients’ genetic information from employers and insurance underwriters? Be sure to include an example from the text and peer-reviewed journal articles.
    • Research and discuss a component of GINA and how it protects patient privacy and confidentiality. What are the future implications for consumer health information related to privacy and confidentiality of personal genomic data?
    • What recommendations have the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) developed for the clinical application of whole-genome sequencing? Articulate the costs and potential rewards of incorporating genomics into an individual patient treatment program and outline potential strategic planning.
  • Write a 4-5-page paper in APA (2020) format, see “Sample Paper.”
    • Include a cover page with your group name and members, an abstract, and a reference page with 15-peer reviewed references and the textbook.
    • Answer the questions listed above within the text of your paper using APA sublevel headings.