CCU Global Warming Melting of Polar Ice Question
My topic: Global Warming and Disappearing Ice in the Arctic
Paper must: Explain the general causes and consequences of your chosen environmental issue, Explain why the environmental or climactic issue is significant to your chosen location, and Describe what is currently being done or what could be done to ameliorate the situation in your geographic location.
Citations are to be made within the text throughout the paper. An in-text citation appears at the end of the sentence where you are referencing an idea, statistic, or piece of information from one of your sources. The citation is placed in parentheses before the period. Do NOT put citations only after a quote, or after a block of sentences containing data, or at the end of the paragraph. It is ok to put a citation at the end of almost every sentence in certain paragraphs. It is better to over cite then not enough. You must include a bibliography. The bibliography should list the sources that you utilize in your research paper and cite in the text. Please list the sources in alphabetical order, then by date when there is more than one reference by an author. MLA style should be utilized consistently throughout the entire bibliography.