Behavioral Modification Project & Classical Conditioning Report
Part I – Behavior Modification Project
Principles of operant conditioning can be applied to behavior modification. For your final project you will be developing and implementing your own behavior modification project.
First you will need to choose a behavior (your own, your pet’s, etc.) that you would like to change. In 1-2 paragraphs provide the following:
- Identify the behavior you wish to modify (for example: smoking 1 pack a day).
- Set goals for your behavior modification plan (for example: to stop smoking).
- Behavioral definitions
- A description of the target behavior
- The objective measure you will use to quantify whether or not the target behavior has been or is being achieved.
Part II – Classical Conditioning
Try this simple experiment on Pavlovian or classical conditioning after reading about Pavlovian conditioning in Chapter 3 of your book.
You will need a bell (a set of keys works too :-), a hand held mirror, and a room that becomes completely dark when the light is turned off. Hold the bell while standing in the room near the light switch. Once in position, ring the bell and then immediately turn off the light. Wait in total darkness for 15 seconds, then turn the light on. Wait another 15 seconds with the light on then ring the bell and immediately turn the light off again, waiting another 15 seconds in the dark.
Repeat this procedure 20 to 30 times making sure that in each case the bell is rung immediately before the light is turned off. Now, with the light on, watch your eyes closely in the mirror and then ring the bell. Your pupils should dilate slightly even without a change in light!
Write a brief 1-2 page reaction paper of this experiment covering the following items:
- Share your experience with this experiment.
- Identify the Neutral Stimulus (NS), the Unconditioned Stimulus (US), the Unconditioned Response (UR), the Conditioned Stimulus (CS), and the Conditioned Response (CR). (You must identify these 5 elements to receive full credit.)
- Identify 2-3 real-life examples of classical conditioning that you are aware of in your life.