ENTD 220 American Public University Python Project
# This is the flower box and it should at the beginning of each assignment # Description : This code will ….. # Copy Wrong : This is my work You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following:- 1) Create a function for each math operation (add, div, mult, sub) 3) create a function IsinRange() to test a value between two ranges like this; Here is the spec in pseudo code IsInRanhe(lr, hr, n) lr=low range hr=high range n=number if n between ln and hn return true else return false Hints 1) For practice please see lab exercises in the lesson section Sample output Enter your Lower range —> 10 The Result of 15.0+17.0=32.0 Continue Looping Y/N Y Enter your Lower range —> 20
Submission Instructions: Make sure that you save your code in a text file in this format; W3_firstname_lastname.py |