Humanities Homework Help

Auburn Career Center Darwinian Evolution and Mendelian Genetics Alabama Biodiversity Articles Discussion


I need an explanation for this Anthropology question to help me study.


This week we are looking at the synthesis of Darwinian evolution and Mendelian genetics with modern science. Thus, the process of biological change in populations is our central focus. As an example, I would like for you to explore Alabama’s own species diversity. Some people are unaware that Alabama has one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the United States, making it an ideal example of species adapting to specific environmental conditions. 


  • First, read chapter 4 and these two articles on Alabama biodiversity: “Who knew?”  (Links to an external site.)and “Darters to Turtles” (Links to an external site.)
  • Then briefly explain what groups of animals we have the most species of in Alabama and why they are over-represented here.
  • Finally, pick a species from these articles or another Alabama species, and explain how it might have evolved. In other words, what processes/pressures might have occurred for this species to ultimately adapt and thrive in its current environment?