Florida International University Reasons For The BioFuel Choice Discussion
The Next Cars
It has been said recently that gasoline-powered cars are the vehicles of the past and that gas-electric hybrid cars are the cars of today.
- What will power the cars of tomorrow (in about 10 years, ~2030)? Choose and describe one energy source. 1 point
- Explain the reasons for your choice and identify the advantages and disadvantages of “tomorrow’s” cars power supply (not just in the vehicle but at the fuel’s / power supply’s source). 4 points
- Identify at least one source of information that supports your assertions. Provide a proper citation in either MLA or APA style. 1 point
Example: If your research suggests that “hamster wheels” would be a good power supply/fuel for tomorrow’s cars, what are the advantages and disadvantages of “hamster wheels”? Where would the “hamster wheel” come from? Are there any challenges to relying on “hamster wheels” as a widespread vehicle power source/fuel? Do the advantages of “hamster wheels” outweigh any disadvantages? What problems might arise from increased use of “hamster wheels”?