Health Medical Homework Help

New York University Type 2 Diabetes Paper


Four components that impact the quality of life for those living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

A health issue that affects or impacts the quality of life of individuals are type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a result of the body no longer responding to or becoming resistant to insulin thereby, causing an influx in the sugar level within the blood, thus increasing their risk for various life-threatening comorbidities. There are four components that interrelate with each other that can impact the individual’s quality of life and they are affordable healthcare access, affordable medication access, socioeconomic status, and lack of intervention program.

Positive and Negative Feedback Loop and its impact

The feedback loop focuses more on the internal mechanism of the system which focuses on a reinforcement and balance relationship to keep the system going. Furthermore, a feedback loop system operates on a negative and positive factor where the positive feedback loop focuses on amplifying changes to the system by moving it away from its equilibrium which might make the system unstable. Whereas, a negative feedback loop focuses on protecting the system’s equilibrium by keeping it more stable.

Lack of affordable health care access means the patients would not have had regular screenings with their doctors, meaning prevention of diabetes by early detection would not occur. Also, lack of affordable healthcare and affordable medication access results in mismanagement of their diabetes, thus resulting in worsening and irreversible side effects of the illness like blindness, cardiovascular issues, and death. Furthermore, those with lower socioeconomic status experience more hardship in controlling diabetes because of their low-income jobs, meaning they cannot afford healthcare and the medication to manage their diabetes. Also, their status means they are more or likely to afford cheaper produces, which means contents with high levels of fat, oil, sugar, and salt. Lastly, lack of affordable intervention programs to educate and assist those who are struggling with diabetes management. All four components are interconnected, where if the person has access to all four then it results in negative feedback, which means these components are protecting the person’s equilibrium within their body and preventing their blood sugar level from increasing, thus not putting them at more risk for other comorbidities. Whereas, if they lack any of the four components, then it amplifies their risk, resulting in them becoming more unstable, thus resulting in increased blood sugar levels that could put their body (system) at risk (Acarogly, 2017).


Acarogly, L. (2017). Tools for Systems Thinkers: The 6 Fundamental Concepts of Systems Thinking.

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  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

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