Economics Homework Help

Central Banks Financial Markets and Institutions Analysis Paper


I want to receive help in doing the the below assignment:

Central banks of a country play vital role in designing fiscal and monetary policy of any country. Recent changes induced by Covid 19 and other factors like Brexit have increased this role many folds.

Central bank of Oman regulates the banking and financial sector in Oman and have taken many policy changes recently to cater to the requirements of changing dynamics of financial sector.

In view of the above you are required to write a report analysing the role played by of the Central Bank of Oman in regulating the financial sector. Your report should specifically include;

  1. Introduction :
  • Should cover the discussion on the role played by the central banks in regulating financial sector.
  • Should also include discussion on importance of central banks in current times.
  1. Analysis and interpretation: This should include
  • Steps taken by CBO in last five years to improve the efficiency of financial markets.
  • Role played by CBO during Covid 19.
  1. Conclusion

An appropriate conclusion based on your findings in the section two of your report recommending steps that can be taken by CBO to further improve efficiency of financial market.


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