RES 7400 Ashford University Wk 6 Data Collection Measure Discussion
You will select a research topic, generate testable hypotheses, review relevant literature, describe participant selection procedures, identify data collection methods, describe the proposed quantitative research design, address potential ethical problems, and describe limitations of your research proposal.
This assignment is the fourth step toward completing your final research proposal in Week 6. In a two to three page paper, in addition to the Title Page and References Page, answer the following. Please use the Kallet (2004) and Krosnick (1999) articles for further guidance on how to prepare the methods section and how to construct a survey.
Data Collection Measure: Choose one of the following to measure your data:
- Design a survey (10-15 items): This should be ready for administration, so include clear instructions about how respondents should take, complete, and return the survey. Pay careful attention to issues of design: question ordering, question phrasing, closed- or open-ended questions, overall convenience and attractiveness of the questionnaire, etc.
- Select a systematic observation technique: Describe the setting for gathering your data, write instructions for observations to be made, explain how you will code and/or analyze these data to measure your variables, etc.
Be sure to include an APA formatted title page and references page.