EXSC 550 Liberty University Electromyography Discussion
1. Electromyography is the recording of muscle tissue activity, with its representation being a visual display or audible signal. The first electromyography system was commercially introduced in 1950, so there have been many progressions in the use and analysis over the last 70 years. Data quality, speed and miniaturization of the equipment are some of the improvements. Most common practices of EMG use consists of electrodes that are used to connect to the skin, but there is also a method in which the electrodes can be inserted into the muscle. Dry skin is a necessity in electrode placement and efficiency.
Electromyography is used to study muscular function or coordination in the human body. The use of EMG in sport or training is specifically used to study muscle function or coordination during select body positions or movements. It is impossible to sample all of the muscles of the body at one time during complex motor skills, because there are over 400 muscles in the skeletal system. In sport, EMG use provides a great analysis for muscle dysfunction, detecting inappropriate muscle activation patterns, as well as assisting in establishing and assessing treatment outcomes in conditions like incontinence or lower back pain. This is one example of how the use of EMG can help rehabilitate, prevent or reduce injury in sport. An example of using the EMG to enhance athletic performance would be choosing the perfect modes of training. This would allow specific muscles to be targeted and contracted according to the specificity of training and intended muscular activation outcomes.
2. As stated by Taborri et al, (2020), over the last few decades the number of technological developments has advanced a tremendous amount, most notably the utilization and application of wearable sensors for the assessment of human motion. An electromyography or EMG is used to measure muscle response and electrical activity in response to a nerve’s stimulation of the muscle (hopkinsmedicine.org). The developmental and application of wearable sensors for the assessment of human motion has a tremendous impact on the sporting world. The adoption of EMG into sport biomechanics as lead to the assistants in analyzing athletes’ performance, providing guidelines for coaches, and has been able to help in injury prevention for sport performance (Taborri et al. 2020). As stated by Shweta and Sajwan (2020) EMG studies allows us to better understand the location of the problem in the system movement, every sport movement performed by an athlete involves various kinds of contraction of the skeleton muscles in the human body. The utilization of an EMG provides information on the timing or sequencing of the activity of various muscle in sports movements, allowing coaches to better understand their athletes muscular function and coordination (Shweta and Sajwan, 2020). Since the application of an EMG test allows to better understand whether a muscle is active or not in a particular movement, this helps to determine muscle activation and fatigue which assist in helping to achieve development of performance (Shweta and Sajwan, 2020). As stated above the utilization of an EMG has the ability to better understand their athletes muscle fatigue. Better understanding when and why their athletes muscle fatigue will lead to coaches better understanding of pacing their athletes, and picking their spots for rest and for active gameplay to maximize personal and team performance. If an athlete’s muscles are fatigued and continuing to push through and participate in sport the risk of injury grows greatly. By understanding an athlete’s reaction time when performing multiple sport movements coaches and athletes will be able to create a plan through weight lifting, drills, and reaction drills to enhance the athlete’s ability to react quicker therefore making the athletes faster and more effective. Better understanding an athlete’s muscular strength through the assessment of an EMG will tell the athletes, trainer, coach where the athlete’s body is strong and where in the body may need improvement, coming off an injury this can be crucial to measuring recovery especially if an EMG was performed prior to the injury. The utilization of an EMG is imperative because it can tell us what is happening internally and when sport movements are being done externally. A better understanding of an athlete’s internal foundation will allow for better preparation, and lead to external improvement strategies that will in turn fix the internal issues.
(200 word reply & 1 scholarly citation in APA format for 1 & 2, must be within the last 4 years) Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed journal articles, published textbooks, or publications directly associated with the content.