MC Health Information Privacy & Security Mobile Device Focus Discussion
In Chapter 10 Knowledge Management is reviewed as a key component in a highly functioning healthcare organiza!on.
“The purpose of knowledge management (KM) is to translate the HCO’s complete knowledge resource to improvement of its strategic purpose…The purpose is inescapably !ed to the EHR…modernized, interconnected, and vastly improved system of informa!on delivery that supports excellent care across the stages of pa!ent need and across mul!ple healthcare providers. KM supports the EHR, but also the full scope of evidence-based management–measurement, benchmarking, process improvement, goal se”ng, and rewards-for all HCO units, not simply the clinical ones.” pg.321
Through your research paper you have reviewed and been exposed to some key components associated with the electronic side to knowledge management. You may have reviewed and used Chapter 10 in your paper.
Security is a big part of knowledge management in healthcare. There are many laws and rules, both federal and state that must be followed. The Pandemic has made healthcare a bigger target for large scale phishing a!empts and ransomware a!acks. Security is a priority in any business today but it is a top priority to protect PHI in healthcare.
Mobile devices are used throughout healthcare today. Understanding the safety and security measures that need to be taken is important if you plan on working within a healthcare environment as you may encounter some addi”onal security requirements.
There are 5 short videos for you to view:
AFter viewing the videos, list 5 brief points you took away from the videos. These should just be bullet points or single line notes.