Ashford University Wk 6 Organizational Change Plan Discussion
Week 6 Discussion 1: Organizational Change Plan
***MANDATORY*** In all your this discussions, you will need to draw from the assigned readings in the course, your own research, AND your personal and professional experiences.
In the change process, leadership characteristics such as vision creation, communication, and empowerment are necessities. Additionally, management skills such as budgeting and project management are needed to facilitate concrete and meaningful short-term wins that keep the change momentum going. Consider the idea that it is not enough to be just a charismatic leader or an efficient manager, but that a combination of these skillsets is necessary to lead and manage lasting change. You cannot be just a good leader or just a good manager; you have to be a combination of both in order to produce short-term wins along the path to major change.
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review this week’s Learning Resources, especially:
Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.
- Chapter 8, “Generating Short-Term Wins”
Kotter, J. P., & Cohen, D. S. (2002). The heart of change: Real-life stories of how people change their organizations. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.
- Step 6, “Create Short-Term Wins”
Post a single space one page cohesive response based on your analysis of the Learning Resources and your professional experience. Be sure to discuss ALL the following:
- Explain your Organizational Change Plan Assignments from Weeks 1–5 and defend the major reason for making the change or for not making the change.
- Assume that you have been asked to develop a collective quick win that will begin to bring together the stakeholders who buy-in to the change and the stakeholders who do not. Outline what you would do as a change agent to accomplish this quick win.
- Summarize what you would consider to be the top priorities in creating a quick win.
- Compare the relationship among leadership, management, quick wins, and positive change. Evaluate how these relationships help you bring the stakeholders together.
- As a manager or leader, outline what you would do to “rally the troops” for positive change.
- Outline the steps you would need to take to help your quick win plan succeed.
Refer to the Week 6 Discussion 1 Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your instructor will use the rubric to grade your work.