ITS 833 M50 Cumberlands Information Governance for Leveraging Literature Review
What’s new? That’s a question we hear all the time. When we’re talking about Information Governance, it takes on a very salient meaning. This is one of the major reasons I continually remind you that your Information Governance Program is a ‘living system’ that must be continuously monitored and updated. New technology is constantly being discovered and touted as the greatest thing to ever hit your organization since the typewriter. There’s going to be someone in your organization that probably wants it. If they manage to get funding to acquire and implement it, you must add it to your Information Governance Program.
(DONE) ? Week 3 – Introduction Section – A 1-2 page paper describing the industry chosen and potential resources to be used. 25 pts.(
( DONE ) ? Week 6 – Develop a full annotated bibliography (2-3 pages). 25 pts.
(This Week ) Week 12 – Develop the literature review (2-3 pages). 25 pts.
Week 15 – Completed final research paper (all milestones combined together and include the last sections as discussed in the list above). 50 pts.