Drexel University Human Computer Interaction Discussion
1.Create a concept map of your initial thoughts about HCI (see in-class recorded lecture for how to create concept maps)
2.Post image to discussion board with a brief description of the map elements
(Complete this activity if you are enrolled in the 900 section or in the 001 section and missed the in-class discussion. If you are in the 900 section and attended the in-class discussion you should simply write ‘Attended in-class lecture’ as your discussion board post.)
-1. Describe 1-2 insights/connections/revelations you had from the readings for each of the following topics:
- the definition and history of HCI/interaction design
- the use of interface inspection methods (i.e., heuristic evaluations; cognitive walkthroughs)
- the design and use of personas
2. What, if any, material from the readings was unclear?