Writing Homework Help

Miami Dade College The Epworth Sleepiness Scale Organizing Patient Care Paper



  1. Review the list below of assessment.
    • SPICES: An overall assessment tool of older adults
    • Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living       (ADL)
    • The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)
    • The Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)
    • Predicting Pressure Ulcer Risk The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality       Index (PSQI)
    • The Epworth Sleepiness Scale
    • Assessing Pain in Older Adults
    • Fall Risk Assessment
    • Assessing Nutrition in Older Adults
    • Sexuality Assessment
  2. Pick one (1) of the assessment and write about the      following:
    • what is the assessment for
    • the history of the assessment
    • the assessment’s accuracy by any tools
    • what the assessment tool measures
    • any other benefits of this assessment that you can       demonstrate. 

Assignment #2

SCENARIO – Lois, who is in the last stages of breast cancer, was recently admitted into a hospice program. Her husband Henry, is relieved to have a hospice nurse come into their home and help with the care of his wife. After Lois had been receiving care for a week, Henry asked when he should take Lois into the hospital out-patient department for more chemotherapy. The hospice nurse said, “I thought that you understood that since treatments would no longer help Lois and she would ultimately die, that she would not receive any more treatments once she entered the Hospice program.” Henry said he did not understand this and insisted that he wanted everything done to save Lois.


  1. Read the scenario above and then, answer the following      questions:


    1. How could this misunderstanding have been avoided?
    2. What discussions should Lois and Henry have had with       each other before Lois went into the hospice program?
    3. What could hospice programs do to better inform the       general public of their purpose?