PRST 1010 University of Missouri Issue or an Organization Instagram Post Discussion
JEDI Spotlight on an Issue or an Organization Instagram Post
This week, you will post 3 photos to your Instagram profile that highlight either a JEDI issue or a diversity-focused leisure organization. Make sure that the topic is related to your emphasis area. For instance, you might want to highlight one of the several innovative identity groups that are part of the Diversify Outdoors blog (Links to an external site.) consortium, or maybe there is a JEDI leisure-related issue you are particularly passionate about, just make sure to tie the conversation back into your emphasis area.
These images can be a mix of your own original photography or reposted photos from another account with an original caption written by you. Remember to properly give credit for non-original images posted; otherwise, it is plagiarism.
Frame your post so that it:
- Introduces the JEDI issue or organization
- Clearly shows/explains why this topic is important
- Provides a “Call to Action” for your audience. A “Call to Action” (CTA) is simply a motivation to your reader to interact with your content is some way, whether it is to like, share or comment, or click through to read a blog post.
You are trying to engage and educate your audience about an important topic while situating how this topic relates to the leisure profession. This is your soapbox moment–but ground your passion in knowledge and theory. Use a combination of imagery and powerful captions to promote and support a JEDI cause or organization.