ENGL 15 AU Management Soldier Development & Government Officials Essay
Comment on the audience and purpose. To what opportunity for change is the writer responding? Who might be the rhetorical audience? What might be the writer’s purpose?
Comment on the introduction of the essay. How and why might the introduction of the draft essay engage members of the intended audience? What else could be done to speak specifically to that audience? What seems missing? In what way could the material in the introduction better transition to the thesis statement?
Comment on the clarity of the thesis statement and whether it is appropriately qualified.
Note the assertions the writer makes to support the thesis. Are they presented in chronological, spatial or emphatic order? How might you reorder the assertions for overall effectiveness?
Point out any paragraphs where the writing or the evidence could be improved by using a rhetorical method of development.
Point out any specific claims or uses of evidence in the draft that you find confusing or problematic.
Determine if the writer fairly represents alternative perspectives. Where does the writer accept the validity of another point? Might doing so strengthen the writer’s credibility?
Describe the tone of the position argument. Identify key words or phrases that suggest this tone. Do you find the tone to be effective, given the issue and the writer’s position? Why or why not? What adjustments in tone—if any—would you suggest?
Comment on the overall effectiveness. What section of the argument did you most enjoy? Why?