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Concorde Career College Effects of Riboswitch and Salmonella Enterica Responses


Salmonella enterica is one of the most common causes of foodborne illness worldwide (Havelaar et al., 2015). It is transmitted through the consumption of contaminated meat. Riboswitch, a naturally occurring molecule found in certain bacteria, has been shown to disrupt the bacterial genome (Pavlova et al., 2019). This disruption results in bacterial resistance to antibiotics and an inability of cells to metabolize lactose. The Riboswitch works by attaching to the intestinal wall, causing damage to the cells lining the digestive tract (Pavlova et al., 2019). This damage causes leakage of fluid into the intestine, which may result in severe diarrhea and vomiting. The Riboswitch can cause diarrhea and vomiting in humans as well. This disruption can be reversed by administering a riboswitch inhibitor.

Messenger RNA has two different functions, sensing and decision making, these functions are referred to as riboswitches (Campbell et al., 2018). Riboswitches can have a positive impact on certain bacteria that can be harmful to humans. According to an article written by Marion Kirchner and Sabine Schneider, an inverse reporter gene has been established in Bacillus subtili that was used to “investigate the activity of five potential purine riboswitches from Bacillus anthracis in response to different purines and pyrimidines” (Kirchner & Schneider, 2017). Potential riboswitches could act as an inhibitor, ultimately resulting in death of the pathogen or bacteria if the riboswitch controls a vital process (Kirchner & Schneider, 2017).