GCC Native Women and Western Expansion Worksheet
Secondary Sources
- Rose Stremlau, ‘”I Know (Links to an external site.) What An Indian Woman Can Do”: Sarah Winnemucca Writes About Rape in the Northern Paiute Frontier’in Women’s America: Refocusing the Past, 7th ed., ed. Linda K. Kerber et. al. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 227-237.
- Judy Yung, “Unbound Feet (Links to an external site.): From China to San Francisco’s Chinatown,” in Women’s America: Refocusing the Past, 7th ed., ed. Linda K. Kerber et. al. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 378-386.
Primary Sources
- Zitkala-Sa, “…this semblance (Links to an external site.) of civilization…” in Through Women’s Eyes: An American History, With Documents, 3rd ed., ed. Ellen Carol Dubois and Lynn Dumenil (Boston: Bedford, 2012), 345-349.
- Primary Sources Packet (also found in Course Reference Module)
- Jackson, “Century,” 394-5.
- Goldman, “Living,” 402.