COMP 210 Supplemental Learning Resources in Computer Science Presentation
Need PowerPoint preparation done for computer information course. The instruction for the work needed is found under the document “Supplementalpowerpoint.doc”, please read the 3 instruction details in it. The required documents are also attached herewith. If anything is not clear, leave me a message.For slide 2-9, you just transfer the link and the accompanying explanation i did onto the powerpoint.
and for Slide 10-17, you will look at the posts of students i provided and you will look at the link and the resource and
give description of it to that effect.I provided a sample what it would look like, in an image file , screenshot of a student
who done description on a particular unit, obviously the student’s description is a bit weak , i expect yours to involve technical
terms and in depth analysis. Word count should be 80-120 per unit posted.
make sure to provide a separate word doc for the text you will use on Slides 10-17. and you can refer to the units or topics by referring to the ebook attached above.