Business HR Try Your Hand Discussion
I’m working on a business multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.
- Recent research indicates that it may take only a few minutes to prevent unethical behavior. When workers face a choice between right and wrong, they are about five times more likely to make the unethical choice when the decision is rushed.
- * Think about times in your life when you faced a moral decision and made the wrong choice. Did you feel rushed to make the decision? If you had taken more time to think or consult an ethical colleague, would you have made a different decision?
- You work for a company where the HR director has been involved in unethical activities. You know that others are also aware of the situation; however, no one is willing to report the director’s behavior to upper management. You do not want to be the whistleblower; however, you realize that guilt and loss of self-respect can result when you do or do not do things that conflict with what you believe. Discuss this situation with two or three classmates. Identify pros and cons of becoming a whistleblower.
- One of the great challenges in life is the clarification of our values. The five-part valuing process described in Table 5.1 can be very helpful as you try to identify your core values. Select TWO personal or professional value from the following list, and clarify this value by applying the five-step process:
- Respect the rights and privileges of people who may be in the minority because of race, gender, ethnicity, age, physical or mental abilities, or sexual orientation.
- Conserve the assets of my employer.
- Use leisure time to add balance to my life.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Balance the demands of my work and personal life.